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proudly presents

“How to Manage the Different Generations”

a SHRM accredited MasterClass with management expert Glenn Shepard

To Watch the Replay of This MasterClass
1.  IMPORTANT!  First turn OFF the popup blocker on your Internet browser. (If you see a red X in the menu bar of your browser, click on it, check “Always allow popups and redirects from”, click Done, and then refresh your browser).

2. Then enter your name and email below and click the blue button that reads “Click HERE to Watch Now!“.

Note: Even though this is a replay, you can still submit questions. They’ll be forwarded to Glenn and he’ll answer them by email.

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We’re in our offices in Nashville, Tennessee, from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Central and are glad to help! Call us at (615) 353-7215 or click here to email us.

Glenn’s management training is some of the very best in the country, but don’t take our word for it. Here’s what managers who’ve attended his seminars all across the country had the say about it….

I cannot emphasize enough how important this training is for all that are in management. I’ve trained with Disney, Hilton and specified training in employee psychology. Glenn taught years worth of education in a few hours’ time. I wish I had this available when I entered management.

Kevin Amico 
Plaza Resort and Spa 
Daytona Beach, FL

I worked in management for 15 years for McDonald’s, and this seminar was more informative and practical than their training.

Sue McDowell
Bank of the West
Worland, WY

This is truly outstanding. The two most helpful trainings I’ve been to were Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Glenn Shepard’s management seminar.

Mel Fields
Developmental Services, Inc.
Columbus, IN

We have only been in Glenn’ seminar for 1 hour so far and it is fantastic! It’s going to change the culture of our work place.

Molly Murphy
Hampton Inn
Hagerstown, MD

This course should be mandatory for upper management, elected officials and anyone who supervises even just 1 person. It was the most effective and relevant seminar I have ever attended.

Jean Marie Bedeni
Supervisor of Elections Office
Jacksonville, FL

Last year sent out 152 W-2’s. I was given a goal this year to have under 100. Mind you that 80% of my employees are under the age of 20, so to maintain staff is difficult. With Glenn’s guidance, I accomplished my goal. Only 92 W-2’s this year with 50 still employed. Great accomplishment if I say so myself!

Melissa Hale
Ponderosa Steakhouse
Benton, KY

In 20 years in the Navy and over 30 years in management, this course taught me better than any other.

David Boss
NE Iowa Community Action Corporation
Decorah, IA

©Copyright 2022 Glenn Shepard Seminars • 900 Old Hickory Boulevard • Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 353-7125